Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Lest we Forget

We get together and remember
our tragedies and our losses.
communites large or small
sharing its grief or disbelief
and we say,

it is good to remember
lest we forget

and we remember
our wars, holocausts and genocides
and we maybe hope
that by remembering
we will prevent these
horrifying acts
from ever happening again


how do we remember,
what exactly are we remembering?

I ask these questions
because I think we can insulate ourselves
from the realities of
what humanity has proven itself to be

by remembering
with a sense of disbelief
we can keep ourselves separate
from the vile evil-doers

as if they were born of hell
and we were born of heaven

we can remember
in a way that helps us
keep a mythology
about human progress
intact, and unedited

this kind of remembering
keeps ourselves
lost in a little mist of innocence
where we stay
baffled and bemused
by the acts of others

and we would far rather
stay that way
than find out
that all those
perpetrators and victims
were ordinary people
like you and me
that fell either side
of that all too fine line
that any one of us
could find ourselves
on the wrong side of

but, isn't that is too close for comfort?

so lets forget
lest we remember

Friday, 14 January 2011

Fixing the Leaks

I think that we oftentimes convince ourselves that avoiding things is easy, as if to avoid the difficult and the challenging, were to embrace the stress-free life. Some have become so used to avoiding things, that they call themselves lazy, as if this behaviour has become a part of their identity. We may even come up with clever meaningful stories about why we don't do particular things. We can avoid things for all sorts of reasons. It can be from lack of self-belief, fear of failure, or addiction to established comfort zones, or any number of self-created, superstitious, narcissistic narratives. However, it is erroneous to think that the avoidance is easy, and energy-saving.

Avoiding things is an action. It has a hidden intentionality behind it. It is a repackaged resistance. It drains energy in hidden ways, that will leave us lethargic and apathetic. It steals the energy that we could otherwise be putting into addressing our fears, and steals the opportunity of finding a truly personal fulfillment. Personal fulfillment, can only come through challenging our fears, and expending energy in that general direction. Our fears communicate to us what matters to us. Fear is the field in which our treasure is buried. We can leave it there and never find it if we so wish.

Avoidance is resistance. Resistance expends energy, but it is a use of energy that is like a leak in the system. It drains away under the surface, and you lose the energy you need for things that might be important, significant or meaningful to you.

If we are not putting ourselves to things, if we are not challenging ourselves in some way or other, or if we are avoiding the things we fear, we will end up with lives that feel stagnant, repetitive, mediocre, empty, boring, meaningless and without worth.

We can not expect to have lives that feel meaningful and significant, if we do not channel our energies into tasks, if we do not challenge ourselves, if we do not take some risks.

Things...what are those things...those things we avoid? A broken relationship? A risky vocational venture? Being truly ourselves with others? The better life?

Fix the leaks, divert your limited energies, direct them toward living the fullest life you can muster, in this blip of time we call life. Not because we must, not because we are obliged to, not because of what others might think, and not because it matters; just because you might feel alive again, and we all know, even if only from distant memory, that that feels good.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

A Pleasurable Resolution

Keep your vices
Keep your guilty pleasures
Let your new resolution be
to get rid of the guilt,
not the pleasure

isn't life difficult enough
and short enough

so why would we want to deprive ourselves of pleasure?

guilt drives so many of us
and we will get caught up
in purging ourselves
of our

unacceptable behaviour
less controlled behaviour
childlike behaviour
human behaviour

purge ourselves for our failings,
we the priest, we the sinner
handing out our own penance.

Do not steal away from your life
add to your life
bring more and more richness to your life
let it be textured
let it be pleasurable
find as many things as you can to find pleasure in

these may be new activities
and fresh experiences
you have never before explored

make it your goal to free yourself
from guilt
from shame

make it a year for finding ways
to live more fully
to live more freely

of course,
we may not even have that many pleasures in our lives
as we currently exist
or the things that were once pleasurable
have lost their enjoyment

so adding pleasure to our lives
may require us to breach our defences
may require us to jump the fences
may require us to say


to our own retinue of
self-created and borrowed
legalities and principles
that help us to justify avoiding
risk and change

and when it comes down to this
down to the nitty-gritty
it becomes a decision
over an exchange
of pleasures

the pleasure,
of the status quo
the comfort and convenience
of doing what we have always done
even if this no longer brings anything
that we might honour with the name pleasure

the possible pleasures
that we might discover
as we test and try
and experiment
with things we have never done before
or re-encountering things
that used to bring us

imagine we resolved to enjoy our lives as much as possible
without feeling guilty for it
imagine that for the rest of your life
you increased the amount of pleasure in your life
without worrying about what anyone else thought

increasing your potential for pleasure
opening up opportunities for pleasure
dropping your resistances to unknown pleasures

day by day, year by year

would you ever regret that?

Generation of Men

A Generation of Men A generation of men, that didn't cry a generation that weren't allowed to a generation of strong soldiers ...