Families are the place
where we develop our own
particular preferences
for participation
for separation
we discover our own desire
for belonging
for escaping
for being together
for being alone
depending on the role we played in our family
we will get greater or lesser rewards
for belonging and participation
greater or lesser reward
for separation and escaping
the former reward coming from the others
who pat us on the back for participating
the latter reward coming from ourselves
for there is no one else around to reward us
those that don't participate are often seen as selfish
selfish, for having other ideas
selfish, for having other desires
selfish, for having other values
selfish, for having other priorities
selfish, for having other beliefs.
This is the nature of conformity
within any system
and families
are a system like any other
with its instigators and enablers
with its scapegoats and martyrs
with its saints and sinners
with its black sheep and bum-licks
Christmas is a family time
Even for those without families
it is a family time
we all know it,
even if we locked ourselves away
in bomb shelters,
that Christmas
is a family time
and, as Christmas time approaches
some people get excited,
because of what they experienced in their families
either through actuality,
or through edited memory
and for some
this excitement and anticipation
is reversed,
triggering something more like
a sense of dread
and foreboding
The participators and conformers
tend to not understand those that
experience this dread and foreboding
and wonder why
they just can't get along
telling them that they are making it
more difficult for themselves
if only you played ball,
life would be so much more enjoyable
and so it might
and so it might
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