I have been learning to live with as much flexibility as possible. I have been learning to accept the unpredictability of life, and human behaviour. I have been learning to have back up plans. It has not been easy, but, it has been deeply rewarding even though I haven’t, and probably never will, fully master it.
Oftentimes we confront the unpredictability, of circumstances and people, with the rage of our disappointed expectations. We project our rage against the offender, who ought to have facilitated the world we wish existed.
The world will always, at some time or other, run against the grain of our ego. The world will always, at some time or other, go against the grain of our will.
How do we face up to it? Do we?
It seems to me, that we more commonly resist this kind of engagement with life, and instead continue to live in a world-of-unpredictable-humans, heavily armed and weighed down with expectations, with no backup plan. We instead chose to live in the abstract world of our rights to this or that, and the shoulds about the circumstances that we would have preferred, and the oughts about the ways we wished others behaved.
We sit there feigning and claiming innocence, blaming the world around us for not being better than it is. We can continue with this for as long as we want, but, sooner or later you, me, we, have got to deal with it.
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