When the road doesn't rise to meet you,
may you find the subtle strength in your sinews
to let one foot fall in front of the other
down tracks untrod
into fresh unknowns
that are only yours
When the wind isn't at your back,
may you find your centre
and summon a gentle energy
that brings intention to move or stay
so that you are not blown by every breeze
When the sun doesn't shine upon your face,
may you close your eyes
and find comfort in the darkness
and an inner flicker of light
that can guide you without blinding you
And when the rains fall hard upon you
may you lift up your face to it
and let it wash you
drench you
until you stop thinking your life
And when you do not feel held
by God or anyone
may you begin to know yourself
in your separateness
and befriend your self
so that you can stand strong in a sea of others
that when they do come to hold you
you do not feel like half a person being completed.
For in the blessing is a curse,
and in the curse
is a blessing
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