Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Desire at the Helm

Desire feels like a promise 
A promise of great riches
Desire feels like truth
The bringer of certainty and ontological stability
But, we forget that the desire says everything
Desire is a ventriloquist.
And we, the desire-ers,
are the dummies in this act.

We aren't making love to ourselves as such
but there is some deception at work
it is a trickery
an optical illusion
it's a sleight of hand

are we fools who pretend that we are in charge
we make the decisions,
based on the twisted information;
the propaganda of our desires.
I wonder in the midst of this
if there is a democracy within
or if it is a rouge of democracy
that spins the truth
and we get drunk on the rhetoric of freedom
when all the while
we are being driven by our desires
and we have no real choice in the matter
and whatever we end up deciding
we will justify after the event
keeping our scriptwriters in business.

And maybe I am the last person in the world I should believe

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