Monday, 1 February 2010

We are Free to be Free

What are the powers that hold sway over your life?
What freedoms do you long for?

Freedom does not exist.
It is not a real existing thing.
It is not a tangible entity that one can touch.

We only get a strong taste of what freedom is
when we have reached the point of hunger
when we are starved of a thing
that we never even knew
until it was born in us
out of the raw soil of reality

and just as we do not truly know what we long to eat
until we are truly hungry,
we cannot know what freedom is or looks like
until it is not there
until it is an absence
until the absence itself becomes tangible

that is as real as freedom ever becomes
a vision like an mirage
that is born out of longing
hunger and thirst

and, so
like many of these words that
are nothing to us
and everything to us,
we can only truly visualise
what we long for
when we are starved of it

how much will you exchange for your freedom?

What sacrifice would you make, to overthrow the tyrannies that have held you?
[even if you have been the tyranny]

For freedom is not a reality
it is not an existing thing
nor an existing set of circumstances

it is an attitude
it is a decision
it is an intention

and for some that has been expressed
in their last act of defiance
whether is was a defiant word
or a defiant run
toward a fence
a barrier
that demanded
they swap their desire for freedom,
for an appeasement of their fears

and for them
the cry is
fuck you!
I am free!

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Generation of Men

A Generation of Men A generation of men, that didn't cry a generation that weren't allowed to a generation of strong soldiers ...