Sunday, 14 November 2010

Dance Kid, Dance!

Go on dance! She says

The child crosses his arms against his chest
In defiance
The child is almost lost in the swirling of her skirt
as she sways, attempting to animate him

No dance!! the child says

She eventually ceases her attempts,
and turns back to a conversation

and outside of her gaze
he does a dance
his own dance
hoping no one will notice

resisting the attempts to make him dance
not because he did not want to dance

but when coaxed
and coerced
the desire is stolen
for the satisfaction
that comes from dancing
should be
fun, freeing and liberating

When someone is whipping,
or pointing the loaded gun
of emotional blackmail at someone's feet

the parental face of disappointment
the partner's sexual withdrawal
those looks and gestures 
and slammed doors,
punishing the bad behaviour
of not conforming

dance kid, dance...go fuck yourself!

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