Friday, 29 October 2010

Head in the Fire

If I told you to put your head in the fire
would you do it?

What about, if got lots of my mates to tell you
to put your head in the fire?
Would you do it then?

OK, well,
what about if I got lots of articles
printed in glossy magazines
and put on the shelves of shops around the world
telling you that you should stick your head in the fire??
would you do it then?

If I told you to do anything you didn't want to do
or that you didn't think was for your own good
would you do it?

So, if you do end up sticking your head in the fire
whose fault is it?

Who is to blame,
if you care about what I say
feel connected enough to my words
feel that they have power over your feelings;
whose fault is that?

Do we get pissed off
when trusting in
what others say about us
backfires on us?

Will we throw a tantrum
and attempt to shift the blame
onto the person
who betrayed our trust?

Do we get pissed off
because we long for some
good-enough parenting
and hope that society
is going to take on the role
of the all-sufficient caregiver

But it is nobodies job
to look after us any more
that is up to us,
the stabilisers are off

Be strong
Be independent
Be successful
Be a brave wee soldier

Be pretty
Be a good girl
Be a little princess
Be a perfect mother

Be nice
Be caring
Be gentle
Be lovely

There are a million voices
out there
and the only one you should listen to

it isn't out there
it is inside you
and the sooner we can all learn
to stop giving a shit about
what other people say
what other people think
and start living our own lives
for ourselves
the better

otherwise you'll find yourself
down at the emergency ward
with a burnt face

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Fuck Plato

Fuck Plato
and his ideas

and fuck Aristotle too while you're at it

reifying reason
puffing us up with thought
thinking ourselves into
all kinds of entangled narcissisms

lulling us into the illusion
that we are greater than
the beasts
of the air and the earth


I could learn more about
life and living well
from watching the birds in the forest
or from the furry critters
that scramble around
in the autumn leaves,
than I could ever learn
from a beardy

of course
we can't blame them entirely
for our own shite,
our own disenchantments

they just spewed out ideas
that enough of us latched onto

something in the human
must have hungered
for a language that made us better,
the kind of better
that is less animal
and more divine,
less driven by impulse
and more ordained by god;
justified and set apart
holier than the rest of creation

more significant
more important

maybe that is the hunger
we all have locked within

to be more important
to be more significant

and all you need
is to stick a beardy philosopher
with big words and big ideas
into the same room
as a meaning-hungry human
with a few glasses of wine
for us to start believing
that we are more

for us to start conjuring up
the audacities of colonialism
the civilising project

we felt civilised
no longer base and carnal
no longer primal and savage

and we saw that
disavowed animal-self
in those savage others
as we roamed
the earth that we thought was
now magically ours

we found them to be uncivilised
they had shamans
we had philosophers

they had paganisms
reverence and respect

we came loaded with disease:
smallpox, rationality and reason

and, if that's the kind of better
that western thought has given to the world
then you can shove it up Plato's arse sideways

The Blame Game

You make me feel this
you make me feel that

he made me feel so bla bla bla
she made me feel so yada yada yada

you would be amazed,
once you catch on to this
how often humans do it.

if you just switched on
to the conversations around you,
your ears would constantly prick
as you hear all the inventive ways
that humanoids have
for shifting blame onto others


this is not to say that
they are not experts at blaming themselves too
but that is often a fall-back plan
once our attempts at blaming others have fallen through

but, both self-blame and other-blame
are change-avoidant behaviours
that maintain the status quo

so, if you are happy with the status quo of your life
then just keeping playing the blame-game
it is a sure-fire way to keep yourself
exactly where you are right now
and you might even be able to manage to maintain
the same state for years and years to come
wouldn't that be good?!

Imagine how else we could use our limited energies
if we stopped putting them into
these shoddy methodologies
and if we stopped
telling stories
of blame

maybe instead

we would invest those same energies
into creating for ourselves
an ordinary kind of satisfaction
that was not dependent
on the performance of others:
whether families, societies, or lovers; 
in our narcissistic dramas
that help us keep our covers.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

The Soul's Black Hole

When we focus on
what we don't have
we can end up
with our gazes becoming fixated
by the magnetism
of a black hole

a black hole
in your soul

that exists like
an infants desire
to have everything
every whim and wish
fulfilled instantly
by an omniscient goddess

a desire that becomes a demon
if you don't find salvation
on the dry land of the ordinary

for there is a far greater,
deeper, vaster ocean
of things you do not have
in your life
compared to the little island
of what you do have

and if your eyes get locked
by the pull
of that black hole
it will blind you
to the ordinary things
that are good enough

and that are
under your nose
right under your feet

good enough life
good enough work
good enough family
good enough friends
good enough pleasures

so, here's a toast to what we have
for it may well be good enough

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

How Life Ought to Be

The world is not fair
or unfair
the world simply
does not care

about me or you or anyone

and there is no way
that life ought to be
for there is no
pre-ordained standard
by which life can be measured

no standards
except ones we conjure up
in our imaginations
out of the
quagmire of our frustrations

as our infantile wishes and wills
get ignored, again and again
by a world that is not watching

and though we might prefer
the world to be a better place
inhabited by more considerate people

or prefer life
to be easier and more equal
filled with more opportunities

or prefer
that we had
more freedom and justice

or prefer that
you were more appreciated
or that you had more significance

or prefer that there was less
crime and corruption,
disease and dying,
suffering and sickness

it is not
that it ought
to be that way
it is just
because you wish it was

and if this, we come to accept
then morals are nothing but
a blank cheque

and we'd maybe be better off
talking about how we would like it to be
for ourselves, for others or for me

do something about it,
or make our peace with
the world that does not see

just continue moaning
about how life ought to be

Friday, 22 October 2010

Power Sharing Agreement

What we don't learn to do for ourselves, 
we ask, often indirectly, 
for others to do for us.

To be our surrogate mothers
to be our surrogate fathers
our surrogate caregivers
doing things for us
fixing things for us
as if they ought to
while we get to play the incompetent child
while it suits us to do so

and yet,

we will hate them for that very same reason
when they treat us like incompetent children
and patronise and parent
when we don't want them too

and there will never be equality between all of us 
coexisting humanoids
while there is always someone looking to someone else
to do something that they could learn to do for themselves

and if we become the do-er, the fixer, the dish washer, the cleaner

we steal the opportunity for an individual to learn to do that thing -
even if they decide never to do it

we glue ourselves into roles;
the role of the martyr, who must over-function
on behalf of their childish partner

we become the bitter victim
who reluctantly and hatefully performs tasks
that the other person won't do and
that we know we can do better

and we will claim that we get nothing out of it
after all, if they don't do it, who will??

And so it is, that we are often responsible for the vulnerability we feel in this economy; in this exchange of power. We put ourselves voluntarily at the mercy of an other.

Empowering ourselves, or surrendering our powers. 
Playing the parent, or playing the child.
Becoming the tyrant or the martyr.


I know this may sound like a ridiculous idea
but, let me run it past you.

Actually, no, you'll just think I am crazy


Well, ok, I'll risk embarrassing myself here.

Imagine we accepted people as they are

there ya go
there ya have it
I know,
I'm crazy in the coconut
Insane in the membrane
away with the fairies

It's so crazy
cos if we did that

we wouldn't get to nag someone
about what they don't do

or criticise them
for not doing something well enough

or coerce them
to do things they didn't want to do

or try to get them to dress better
and make more of an effort

we wouldn't be able to get annoyed at them for

feeling something on a particular day
or understanding something in a particular way

we would just have to like it or lump it.

it's madness isn't it.

Of course,
we would still be able to get annoyed
because we humanoids are wilful creatures
and generally get pissed off and frustrated
any time another persons' will
or the will of the world
goes against the grain of our own

but, we wouldn't really be justified
in taking out that annoyance on the other people
with whom we share our lives
we would just have to get over it and

deal with our frustrations
at the world not bowing down
to our desires and duties
preferences and priorities

I suppose, crazy as this idea may seem
the upside is,
that we would be accepted as we are too
and we wouldn't be asked to change
our feelings...our ways
our manners...our behaviours
our tastes...our rituals

but, flip, that almost sounds a little like
unconditional love
which is obviously just a fairytale
about a desire for something
we humanoids could never muster

you know! - that love that we wished we got
from parents and gods
to be accepted just as we are
us shameful sinners

but, it's obviously too much fun
being little dictators
and getting to bash the people we love
with our wills
to have our way
at another's expense
creating a little Lebensraum
never hurt anyone, did it?

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Seasonal Sedation

I used to associate Winter with Depression
and the more I feared the possibility of Depression
the more it seemed to get a hold of me

But, when I started to go out,
and to pay attention to the rest of nature
respond to the diminishing amount of light.
I saw animals making preparations
for those more sparse months

Scurrying-Squirrels stashing beech nuts
Jays hopping around the Oaks burying acorns
and watched the flora
shrinking away,
saving itself to unfurl with
the fresh new light of Spring.

And, I realised, that it is ok
to become a little more hibernative
Fern-like, and Squirrel-like
to cosy up, and get wrapped up
and reduce our level of activity
to become a little more stagnant
and use that harbour
to gestate new visions for the Spring

I think it is important
to give a nod of acknowledgement
to the change of seasons

seasons that we city-dwellers
can become detached from
as we glare at computer screens
and TV screens, and mobile phone screens

all these screens,
screening us from this other reality
that exists outside of pixel-land

and nature shows us how to do it
and we used to do it, and know it
when we were more pagan and less urban

and we have lost sight of what is natural in us
we have lost touch with our animal-selves
we have created expectations of our behaviour
that are not formed
by the stories of where we have come from
but are created out of the abstractions
of what we think we ought to be
of how we ought to perform

by work-ethics, and security-seeking
by money-making, and mortgage paying
by an idea of constancy and immutability
over and above being human

What I am saying is this:
it is OK to feel more sedate
as the light diminishes

but, if we call these seasonal feelings
we call it unacceptable
like an expectant parent
disappointed at the child
who doesn't want to dance

the more we
use big meaningful words
to describe these changes,
the more significance
we give to something
that is entirely human and ordinary

we judge it
as inappropriate
and needing to be changed
as if measuring our performance
against the standard of



we are creatures
we are light-respondent creatures

give yourself a ritual
that is a celebration of the season past
toast all that you experienced
the ease and the difficulty
and turn to bow
to the season to come
and focus not on the loss
of what has been and gone

but, on

the unstoppable procession
the necessity of the passing
from resistance to embrace
that nothing is everlasting

Monday, 18 October 2010

The Annoyed Pharisee

Let me share with you, a piece of invaluable wisdom:

When you put the toilet roll on the holder, make sure the open end rolls up and over from the back towards the toilet, not the other way. The other way is the wrong way. I have just shared with you the right way to put the toilet roll on the holder.


when you wash the dishes put all the cutlery, with the exception of sharp knives, handle-down in the dish rack. Any other way of doing this is wrong, plain and simple.

Of course, I'm kidding...but I'm not

Do you know what I mean?

Do you ever realise that your preferences have somehow become more than a list of preferences, and have mysteriously slipped into the realm of morality? Of course, if you live on your own, these preferences can secretly be maintained, in splendid isolation, and one can maintain the mask of sanity in this regard. However, when two-become-one, or just share the same space under the same roof for any length of time, one can come to realise how crazy our acted-behaviours and thought-behaviours seem to be.

We can become little behavioural Pharisees with lists of additional rules and regulations, getting all wound up when the others in our world don't comply with the laws that we live our lives by. This hidden frustration can build and build...and initially the Pharisee may just undo the crime, by turning the toilet roll around, or picking up after the criminal. Of course, only saints and martyrs can maintain this course indefinitely. But, for most, this inner frustration and hidden correction, can just add to the feeling of inner tension and stress, and eventually must come out. Venting can come in the form of angry scribbles on notes left for the offender in order to correct their offending behaviour. It can then either erupt into rage against the offender, or a serious conversation can be had, to discuss the offending behaviour.

Have you ever done this? Does this sound like you?

When I put it like this, you would probably be embarrassed to admit it, and yet, I want to stand up right now and claim ownership of that behaviour. I have been that person, and I am sure before the day I die, I will behave like that again to some degree or other. Of course, others may not see anything problematic with their Pharisaic code, and simply wish that everyone else abided by it.

Now, I am not saying all this out of a sense of shame for my own behaviour, or to shame anyone else for the same. I am simply wanting to shine a light, on that little transition from preference to morality, and how we play it out on the others in our lives, and often important-others in our lives.

Unfortunately, we can end up treating strangers better than we treat our loved-ones, as those strangers are fortunately distant enough not to offend us. It is the ones we draw close to, and that we share our selves and spaces with, who end up suffering our angry withdrawals, disappointments, resentments or rage.

How do we live in a world of different others? Others, who live by a different code, by different beliefs about how to live well. These are our own personal cultures, the cultures of our hearts, even if they are more like a history of habits; they are our habits, and their habits, and in as much, they are important to us, as if they were connected sensitively to our fragile identities.

So how do we go about coming close to other cultures? Do we attempt to overlook the difference and focus on an idealised, or romanticised sense of similarity, hoping to avoid the potential points of conflict? Or do we focus on the difference and get stuck in the quicksand of intractable tensions?

There are no easy answers.

But, I do know [read as 'best guess'] that tensions ease, when you admit that your laws are your laws, and that they are preferences that have become idols, and do not need to be the preferences of any other who inhabits this planet. Of course, we may really believe that this planet would be a better place, neater place, more orderly kind of place if we all did things the way we do...but it isn' we'll just have to get over it.

I also know [read as 'best guess'], that a lot of this inner tension is made worse, by our feelings of personal significance and importance. We can end up behaving like these things mattered, taking ourselves oh-so-seriously, as if our rituals and mythologies had become all-encompassing realities for the world. Well, they aren't, and we'd do better by getting over that too.

And, I also know [read as 'best guess'] that we often take out our real stresses, in lives that we are too afraid to change, on the more tangible, inconsequential aspects of our lives, by picking on the things you would love to change in others. Things, that when it came down to it, you would probably admit to not considering that important, but, when harbouring deep existential frustrations, or pains, they become the bane of the dissatisfaction in your life. Well, they are inconsequential, and we'd find it much easier if we stopped wasting our energies by focusing on the behaviour of others that are close to us, and using those same limited energies to find our own personal sense of satisfaction, or making our peace with the world-as-it-is.

If the small things in our lives have become more important than they ought, we have probably lost sight of something else...and if we have lost sight of something else, there is a good chance that it is intentional blindness to something that we don't want to see, for fear of us having to take responsibility for our lives and make hard decisions, or a blindness to some of the harsher realities of life that we don't yet want to come to terms with.

Of course, it is far easier to have a go at someone else isn't it, because it keeps them wrong and keeps you right, or more importantly, helps us maintain a blindness toward ourselves whilst fixating on the speck of dust in the other's eye, or their scruffy appearance, or in the position they leave the toilet seat, or the kind of mess they are able to tolerate, or the amount they drink, or the company they keep...or...

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Just Passing Time

You said you are just passing time

Between now and death


I am too

Just passing time

between now and death


I would rather stretch my legs a little
before death comes
to end my possibilities

and breathe in a few full lungs of fresh air
before death comes
to take my responsibilities

and enjoy a little loving
before death comes
to steal my faculties

and share the embrace of friendship
before death comes
and takes my opportunities


it doesn't mean anything
it never did
it doesn't need to now

while we are passing our time
between this-now and that-now

Here I am

We are born
born into
someone else's choice

the first power-play
to which we are blind
we come to see

once we awake
if we awake
into the thrown-ness

here I am

propelled by
the movements and meanings
of particular others

by the desires and dictates
of those all-too familiar others

and now
here I am

what now?

Accept their meanings,
And ask no further?

Reject their meanings,
and begin anew?

Here I am

Longing for the ease of hand-me-down meanings
to be found acceptable in the eyes of others


Longing for the satisfaction of a life
tailored to my own fulfilment
regardless of affirmations

Torn; ripped asunder
now exhausted by being torn
now protecting
now numb

Here I am
at the crossroads
at the crossroads

wanting to decide?
having to decide?
now refusing to decide
now convinced
there is no decision worth making

here I am

What does Meaning Mean?

What does meaning mean?

I used to refer to myself as a nihilist
and this is true to the extent
that I was saying that I don't believe there is
or ever has been
an overarching meaning, or inherent meaning
to human existence.
I rather believe that it simply has come to be;
it simply is
and that we like telling stories about that.

However, I am going to tentatively posit
that I do still believe in life with meaning
[don't faint with shock just yet!]

When it comes to meaning,
I think one of the main questions for me
is not whether there is meaning to life or not
whether you accept the meanings
that are given to you by your
family, society, church, peers or culture etc
whether you learn to tell your own stories
and create your own meanings.

So, for me, the question of meaning
is really more closely related
to the question of conformity
versus individuality

Accepting or maintaining our family's meanings
for example
has a certain easiness to it,
even if within it
we try to express our own little unique flourish

to forge out something new,
requires far more existential energy
an energy that some never manage to muster.

Not that the latter is more virtuous, as
I imagine that it is more a matter of habit
than of virtue

Neither choice being any better than the other

I also think that when we talk of meaning,
there are at least two varieties of meaning.

There are meanings that are thought
and meanings that are felt.

When I was young and feeling alive
and playing and exploring
I wasn't overly concerned with what any of it meant.

Yet, it felt in those moments, entirely meaningful.

Of both theses varieties of meaning,
it is the latter which matters more to me now,
but, due to the journey I have been on
it is one that I am having to actively reclaim
at least, actively let go of the thought-meaning
in order to experience more of the felt-meaning.

In some ways they both seem in conflict with each other;
the more I strive for thought-meaning
the less I seem able to embrace felt-meaning

we can ask all the questions of the day about
from the safety of our armchairs and toilet seats
when it comes to felt-meaning
we must risk
ourselves against the world
experiencing ourselves in varieties of relationship
challenging ourselves
putting ourselves to doing things
exploring, venturing, trying.

Our lives can then become abundant with meaning,
but, it is not a meaningfulness that can be
analysed by the mind that is hungry for
for felt-meaning cannot be easily explained
or defined or justified;
it cannot be proven or argued,
it can only be experienced and felt.

If one busies themselves
with the quest for thought-meaning
even in order to find meaning for the
pursuit of felt-meaning
they will be chasing their tails;
shooting themselves in the proverbial foot.

is a past-time that seems inherent
in the realm of thought-meaning

within the world of thought-meaning
one can conjure up all sorts
of unsolvable problems and paradoxes that
could inspire ecstasy
or inject despair.

Yet, within the realm of felt-meaning
there doesn't appear to be this same dilemma.

At worst,
there are hard decisions,
difficult circumstances
and conflicting feelings

but none of these are like
omnipotent gods creating unmovable stones
finding the all-encompassing point to life.

When one who embraces thought-meaning
encounters the one who embraces felt-meaning
there is a disparity,
one relaying facts and figures
about points needing proved,
the other sharing stories
about feelings felt.

neither of which is more virtuous than the other
simply different,


if it is all pointless,
then even finding a point is pointless
and you can either work, rest and play
or twiddle your thumbs
ruminating occasionally
over the pointlessness of it all

neither of which is more virtuous than the other
simply different.

Generation of Men

A Generation of Men A generation of men, that didn't cry a generation that weren't allowed to a generation of strong soldiers ...