Thursday, 28 October 2010

Fuck Plato

Fuck Plato
and his ideas

and fuck Aristotle too while you're at it

reifying reason
puffing us up with thought
thinking ourselves into
all kinds of entangled narcissisms

lulling us into the illusion
that we are greater than
the beasts
of the air and the earth


I could learn more about
life and living well
from watching the birds in the forest
or from the furry critters
that scramble around
in the autumn leaves,
than I could ever learn
from a beardy

of course
we can't blame them entirely
for our own shite,
our own disenchantments

they just spewed out ideas
that enough of us latched onto

something in the human
must have hungered
for a language that made us better,
the kind of better
that is less animal
and more divine,
less driven by impulse
and more ordained by god;
justified and set apart
holier than the rest of creation

more significant
more important

maybe that is the hunger
we all have locked within

to be more important
to be more significant

and all you need
is to stick a beardy philosopher
with big words and big ideas
into the same room
as a meaning-hungry human
with a few glasses of wine
for us to start believing
that we are more

for us to start conjuring up
the audacities of colonialism
the civilising project

we felt civilised
no longer base and carnal
no longer primal and savage

and we saw that
disavowed animal-self
in those savage others
as we roamed
the earth that we thought was
now magically ours

we found them to be uncivilised
they had shamans
we had philosophers

they had paganisms
reverence and respect

we came loaded with disease:
smallpox, rationality and reason

and, if that's the kind of better
that western thought has given to the world
then you can shove it up Plato's arse sideways

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