Friday, 29 October 2010

Head in the Fire

If I told you to put your head in the fire
would you do it?

What about, if got lots of my mates to tell you
to put your head in the fire?
Would you do it then?

OK, well,
what about if I got lots of articles
printed in glossy magazines
and put on the shelves of shops around the world
telling you that you should stick your head in the fire??
would you do it then?

If I told you to do anything you didn't want to do
or that you didn't think was for your own good
would you do it?

So, if you do end up sticking your head in the fire
whose fault is it?

Who is to blame,
if you care about what I say
feel connected enough to my words
feel that they have power over your feelings;
whose fault is that?

Do we get pissed off
when trusting in
what others say about us
backfires on us?

Will we throw a tantrum
and attempt to shift the blame
onto the person
who betrayed our trust?

Do we get pissed off
because we long for some
good-enough parenting
and hope that society
is going to take on the role
of the all-sufficient caregiver

But it is nobodies job
to look after us any more
that is up to us,
the stabilisers are off

Be strong
Be independent
Be successful
Be a brave wee soldier

Be pretty
Be a good girl
Be a little princess
Be a perfect mother

Be nice
Be caring
Be gentle
Be lovely

There are a million voices
out there
and the only one you should listen to

it isn't out there
it is inside you
and the sooner we can all learn
to stop giving a shit about
what other people say
what other people think
and start living our own lives
for ourselves
the better

otherwise you'll find yourself
down at the emergency ward
with a burnt face

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Generation of Men

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